A downloadable game for Android

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Welcome to Interlinked, a thrilling dual-dimensional adventure where you'll wield control over dual dimensions. Control two characters across separate dimensions, where every step in one world risks peril in the other. Navigate puzzles, unlock barriers, and synchronize actions across worlds to progress.

Master the mirroring effect as you face unequal worlds, requiring constant vigilance to prevent perishing in one dimension while advancing in the other. Strategize your movements and bridge the gap between dimensions to unlock new paths.

Are you ready to align fates, conquer dual dimensions, and and unite worlds?


Lina Caro - Programmer, UI

Mateo Rodriguez - Programmer

Alexandra Diaz - Art


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interlinked.apk 53 MB


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Amazing! Congratulations!!!

(1 edit)

"Está chevere, me gusta la música y el concepto".
